Open Trades

We share outcome of our educational ideas in equities and derivatives segments here for anyone to see. These ideas are shared with complete rationale for educational and learning purposes only.Our PAID SUBSCRIBERS will also get regular updates on how to manage risk in the trades (if needed), and we will handhold them throughout the trade lifecycle.

Option Selling Trading System Performance (since Mar'22)

Latest Circular by SEBI, doesn’t allow the Registered RA’s to share performance returns of their trading system till further notice. Hence, we are providing rest of the details of our “option selling trading system performance”. 

Please email us if you need more details one on one for reference purpose only.

– We assume an initial trading capital for 10-lakhs as starting point for each month (profits are kept for risk management)

– All profits/losses are taken off the table and are not used for re-trading (so no compounding as such)

– Status of all the closed trades are updated on monthly basis,

– Return on Capital is more important criteria for us than Risk/Reward to make decision on the trade, even if risk reward is sometimes lower.

Performance Metric
Metric Explaination
Total Number of Trades
Accuracy of Trades, %
It measure % of number of profitable to total number of trades
Anything > 50% is a good system
Win/Loss Ratio
It measures ratio of profitable/loosing trades
Anything > 2 is good
Profit Factor
It is the ratio of gross profits to gross losses
Anything > 2.5 is good.
It indicates the amount of money you can expect to make in each trade you take
Higher the better (should be > 3000 atleast)
Sharpe Ratio
It indicates the performance for extra risk taken by you by trading option rather than investing in government bond
Must be > 1.5 for good system
Maximum Draw Down, %
It measures the maximum loss taken in trading from peak profit
Must be < 15% for good systems
Others ?

One Crore Trading System: LIVE Performance (Feb'24-June'24)

Latest Circular by SEBI, doesn’t allow the Registered RA’s to share performance returns of their trading system till further notice. Hence, we are providing rest of the details of our “option selling trading system performance”. 

Please email us if you need more details one on one for reference purpose only. Check out our Past Twitter post for past details before the SEBI circular, OR search for #onecrorechallenge

– We started with an Initial capital of 25-lac & monthly returns target of 12.5% for the challenge for the duration of one year

– We only take one kind of strategy through the challenge period (no strategy hopping)

– All profits are re-invested to grow our capital to meet the target of one crore by end of one of the challenge

– Status of all the closed trades were posted in our twitter channel (before SEBI circular) using #onecrorechallenge tag

– By June-24 we had already grown our capital to > 50 lakh (in 4-months), before we had to stop sharing returns update (as per SEBI circular)

Performance Metric
Metric Explaination
Total Number of Trades
Accuracy of Trades, %
It measure % of number of profitable to total number of trades
Anything > 50% is a good system
Win/Loss Ratio
It measures ratio of profitable/loosing trades
Anything > 2 is good
Profit Factor
It is the ratio of gross profits to gross losses
Anything > 2.5 is good.
It indicates the amount of money you can expect to make in each trade you take
Higher the better (should be > 3000 atleast)
Sharpe Ratio
It indicates the performance for extra risk taken by you by trading option rather than investing in government bond
Must be > 1.5 for good system
Maximum Draw Down, %
It measures the maximum loss taken in trading from peak profit
Must be < 15% for good systems
Others ?

Value Stock Picks (To Be Updated)